book review · reviews


Hey guys!!

How you doing??

I hope you had a great week and all set to have a great weekend which will blow up your mind. Speaking of which I have something for you guys. I have a book which I discovered recently and strongly recommend you guys to read. Some of you must have already heard of it as it was published 2 years ago. Though it was a recent discovery for me. I am glad that I found it.

The book is called Milk and Honey By Rupi Kaur.

To be honest, I do not read poetry and find it a little difficult to understand it, but when I came across this book and read the reviews online, I knew I had to get it. I am a slow reader. I like to take my time, understand the book and then finish it. Usually any book would take me a good three weeks to finish, depending on how big it is. But to my amaze, I finished Milk and Honey in one sitting. Though it had very short collection of poems, it was so beautifully written that I couldn’t stop.

Rupi Kaur is a young poetess who writes about her journey through the struggles that she faced growing up in her life. She illustrates the poems through these sketches which makes a great impact on the reader. The book is divided into four sections- The Hurting, The Loving, The Breaking and The Healing. The writing of the poetess is raw and so pure that it molds your mind to feel what the poetess felt. Every page had such intense meaning hidden in it that made me feel myself in a way I never had. The poetess writes about the assault, the molestation, the emptiness that she felt even though surrounded by a huge family, the thoughts that she had on being a women in the society meant being an open table that anybody can come use it and go away. She explains her desire for love and the pleasure that comes with it. She wrote about how she wanted to be treated in bed as well as how she wanted to be treated in person. The book covers every aspect of being a women, which does not make the book a feminist one. But covers the pain that every women goes through and the process of evolution that she goes through to make herself better.

I wouldn’t say that I have a favorite chapter or poem but there are few poems which I myself can relate to. It made me step in the poetess shoes and find my answers as kept reading every poem. The last chapter, The Healing, made me realise where I belong, where I wanted to be, what I wanted from life and gave me strength to make a change within myself.

Few of the verses that made an impact on me are-


Accept that you deserve more than painful love. Life is moving, the healthiest thing for your heart is to move with it.

Do not bother holding on to that thing that does not want you- you cannot make it stay.

Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself.

I thank the universe for taking everything it has taken and giving to me everything it  is giving- Balance.

You are in a habit of co-depending on people to make up for what you think you lack. Who tricked you into believing another person was meant to complete you when most they can do is compliment.

I would definitely recommend this book to each and every one of you. It is a must read that would definitely will make an impact on your lives. I would re-read it again and again whenever I feel that I am not good enough because the poems help in a way nobody could ever help me.

I hope you like the review of this book. Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section below and I will see you guys in my next post.







  1. Great post! I’ve started reading recently and I do find that literature can be very helpful and easier to relate to. I’m glad you found poems that speak so much to you, and thank you for sharing your discovery! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou!! Reading can be very intimidating at times but all you gotta do is stick to it with all your heart and in no time you would discover a whole new world of literature. Im glad I could help 🙂


    1. Yess!! I saw her instagram post about the book!! It looks soo amazing and also she just posted a poem from her coming book. It was really beautifull 🙂


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